Sir Ivor Roberts
17 January 2023
Iran won’t get the pariah status it deserves while Europe’s oil and gas companies evade sanctions

Loopholes must be closed or anger over Alireza Akbari’s execution means nothing
Read the full article27 July 2022
A giant legacy beset by pygmies

The death of David Trimble comes as his historic legacy has never seemed under greater threat
Read the full article12 May 2022
Poking a wounded bear: What happens if Sweden and Finland join NATO?

As the Scandinavian countries prepare to apply for membership, with Moldova and Georgia waiting in the wings, how will Russia react - and what hope is there for Ukraine?
Read the full article31 March 2022
The trial of Vladimir Putin

The Russian leader may be a war criminal, but getting him into the dock to face justice may never happen
Read the full article