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The New European

Priti Patel ‘broke the rules for ministers’, claims leaked report

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Joe Biden vows to be ‘president for all Americans’ as he defeats Donald Trump

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MPs reject amendment to protect food standards after Brexit

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Katie Hopkins: An apology

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How Trump could challenge US election in court if Biden doesn’t win emphatically

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50 Tory MPs warn Boris Johnson he could ‘send the North into reverse’

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OBITUARY: Simon Edwards – A committed European

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A place of hope: What Europe means to us

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Events: Pro-EU events and grassroots campaign activities taking place near you

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Who is Angela Rayner – Labour’s new deputy leader?

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Who’s on Question Time tonight?

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Podcast: EU trade trash talking and Boris Johnson goes viral

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Podcast: AWOL BoJo and floody idiots

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The government’s privatisation agenda means UK will ‘never take back control’

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Podcast: Reshuffle chaos, Michael Gove’s mixed messages and PJ Masks

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Podcast: Hacklash for Number 10 and Labour’s peace plan

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The European View: How is Brexit seen by those we are leaving behind?

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Podcast: The Brexit day special edition

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Podcast: Nandy on the rise, Boris Q&A and plans for January 31

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Podcast: What’s wrong with Big Ben bing bong, ping pong?

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Mark Francois reportedly willing to go up Big Ben with hammer and ‘bong’ it himself

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Our books of the year

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General election results, news and analysis from The New European

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Boris Johnson took selfie with Huawei phone despite government security concerns

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Brexit Party under investigation for slow response on data requests

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Brexit Party candidate whose UK citizenship is pending branded a ‘strange’ choice

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Football commentator says he’s ‘ashamed’ to be part of the media over Brexit

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Test your knowledge of the irreverent news stories surrounding Brexit with this quiz

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Test your knowledge of the irreverent news stories surrounding Brexit with this quiz

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Prosecutor could appeal Boris Johnson court case decision as judge explains why it was thrown out

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Behind-the-scenes at the Tory leadership hustings in Exeter

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