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Johnson’s former lover eyes a conspiracy

While Petronella Wyatt thinks Boris Johnson's backers are delusional, fellow former mistress Jennifer Arcuri seems to think he's been swapped

Boris Johnson and Jennifer Arcuri. Photograph: YouTube. - Credit: Archant

Polls of Conservative Party members show they are more enthusiastic about the idea of Boris Johnson returning than Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak becoming PM. One of Johnson’s former lovers, however, at least understands that leave means leave.

Petronella Wyatt, who had a four-year extra-marital affair with him that resulted in an abortion, says that the “come back Boris” faction is as “delusional” as the “flat-earthers.”

But how would Wyatt describe Jennifer Arcuri, another former BoJo mistress? She seems to believe that the original Johnson actually disappeared after he went into hospital with Covid, and told GB News earlier this year:

“The entire nation watched one man entering the hospital and another one leaving. I’ve had several sources confirm this isn’t the same man… someone should be looking into this.”

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See inside the Grandad, why did you vote Brexit? edition

Sarah Sands, former editor of Radio 4's Today programme. Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Sands shifts to house building

Former Sunday Telegraph editor Sarah Sands has taken on a role at a house builder with a close relationship to the Tory government

Image: The New European

Labour is playing it safe in the most dangerous times

Solutions to the current economic crisis will require the will of a strong leader. Is this part of Keir Starmer's mentality?