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Rejoin marchers angered by BBC’s lack of coverage

Complaints made to corporation as organiser calls snub "pathetic"

Protestors hold flags and placard marching toward Parliament Square during The National Rejoin March. Photo: Loredana Sangiuliano/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

In 2019, the BBC obediently covered Nigel Farage’s pitifully attended Leave Means Leave march as it set off from Sunderland, but the 20,000-plus on the Rejoin March through central London over the weekend were not acknowledged at all by the corporation. 

Official complaints have been made to the BBC about their lack of coverage, and as Peter Corr, the lorry driver who organised the event tells me, it was a march not of any “metropolitan liberal elite,” but ordinary people like him whose lives had been blighted by Brexit.

“We had got in touch with the BBC in good time to tell them about the march, but, from the outset, we had no interest at all from them,” he says. “It was as if they had been told not even to talk to us and it was pathetic.”

He added a lot of Lib Dems boycotted the first day of their own conference in Bournemouth to march because of their exasperation with Sir Ed Davey for dropping his party’s rejoin policy and a lot of Labour voters who were similarly disillusioned with their own party’s position on the EU also showed up. 

Banners emblazoned with the logo of The New European, the media partner for the event, were much in evidence and free copies were distributed to marchers. 

Overseas broadcasters covered the event, and, even without a mention from the BBC, Corr feels it made its point eloquently. 

Will they be back again next year? “We will keep marching each year until we are back in the EU,” he says defiantly.

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