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National Rejoin March to take place in Liverpool

Marchers for a return to the EU are to descend on the Mersey city

Image: Getty

A National Rejoin March will take place in Liverpool tomorrow (March 23).

Campaigners for the UK to return to the European Union will meet at the city’s St George’s Hall before marching through the Mersey city to a rally at the Pier Head.

Speakers are set to include Our Future Our Choice founder Femi Oluwole, writer Madeleina Kay, adventurer Graham Hughes and National Rejoin March leader Peter Corr.

Marchers will gather at St George’s Hall at 12pm, with the march beginning at 1pm and the rally at 2pm.

Organiser Ceíra Casey said: “Please join us here on Saturday, March 23 2024 for the National Rejoin March Liverpool. We want our star back.”

Other events taking place tomorrow include a screening of the documentary Betrayed: The Truth About Brexit at Leeds’ Hyde Park Picture House and a European quiz and social at Newcastle’s Sands of Tyne coffee shop. For full details click here.

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