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The Two Matts

Heaven or Hell for Kissinger?

The Two Matts discuss the legacy of the former Secretary of State, who died this week. How will he be remembered? As one of the most effective diplomats of our times… or a mass-murdering war criminal who should have died in The Hague? Or is the answer, just possibly, a bit more nuanced than that?

After the break, Matt and Matt consider how that other giant of international politics (and that’s a joke, for the hard of understanding) handled Britain’s relationship with Greece this week. Is Rishi Sunak really quite as pathetic as he seems? (spoiler alert: YES!) and what was the thinking (spoiler alert: THERE WASN’T ANY!) behind him deciding to insult his fellow NATO leader so gravely? You’d need a heart of marble not to laugh. All this plus Shane McGowan and why you should read this year’s Booker winner.

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