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The New European

Has Boris Johnson survived the Sue Gray report? And, what to look out for from the Cannes Film Festival

The New European Podcast

In this week’s episode, host Steve Anglesey discusses if Boris Johnson has managed to escape unscathed from the Sue Gray report before hearing listeners’ suggestions on what famous book title best sums up her findings. Then, The New European’s editor-at-large Alastair Campbell joins the podcast to discuss the report’s aftermath and why Labour needs to start thinking seriously about what they stand for as the opposition. Then, in this special double episode and live from the Cannes Film Festival, Jason Solomons offers his take on the festival’s 75th year, the politics on this year’s red carpet and what to watch (and not watch) from the festival. Plus, Grant Shapps, the Daily Mail and Richard Bacon feature in the Hall of Shame.

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