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Great European Lives

Sacha Distel

Great European Lives Podcast
Great European Lives Podcast

In this episode, host Charlie Connelly explores the life of French singer Sacha Distel. According to a contemporary, he was underrated as a musician and composer, uncomfortable with the image he had traded off of for 40 years. With his green eyes, cheekbones and dazzling smile, he captured the hearts of 70s housewives, much to the dismay of their husbands. But, despite this charming appearance and life revolving around french resorts and restaurants, the man was not all it seemed. A contradictory character, he was always happiest playing jazz guitar, rather than his cheesy tunes, surrounded by family for the quiet life. A yearning that was a consequence of a hole ripped in his life at an early age as a result of war and anti-semitism.

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