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Watch Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron answer your questions

Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron. - Credit: PA WIRE

The leader of the Liberal Democrats answered your questions in a Q&A session in Norwich.

Tim Farron took part in a debate at Archant’s headquarters in Norwich, where the pop-up newspaper The New European is being published.

The event follows Archant’s question and answer events with former prime minister David Cameron, and leading Brexit campaigner Michael Gove ahead of the June poll.

The Liberal Democrat leader, whose party campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union during the referendum earlier this year, is pushing for prime minister Theresa May to be forced to put the details of any Brexit deal to the public, either in a second referendum or a general election.

Before the debate, Mr Farron said: ‘I’m really looking forward to visiting Archant HQ and taking part in this Q&A. I think it’s vital to hear from you about the things you are passionate about, what could be done better and what annoys you. My job is to listen, engage, take that message back and make sure we fight your corner in Westminster. ‘I think it is great that The New European has sprung up. It really is offering a voice to pro-Europeans and making sure that the news that people like myself care about is heard. We need more voices like the New European and I think it is a fantastic paper. Well done to all those who work so hard to deliver it to news-stands.’

Matt Kelly, editor of The New European, said: ‘If there has been one positive from the referendum, it is that the whole country is now engaged in the issues and wrestling with the consequences. Tim Farron has been forthright about some of those consequences – especially around our place in the world and immigration – and I know he’ll stimulate a great discussion on Wednesday.’

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