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‘It was advisory’ – Andy Murray points out EU referendum wasn’t binding

The Scottish tennis legend Andy Murray has said that the Brexit referendum shouldnt be binding and added he expects a second vote on Scottish independence. Photos: PA - Credit: Archant

The Scottish tennis legend Andy Murray has said that the Brexit referendum shouldn’t be binding and added he expects a second vote on Scottish independence.

He also predicted Scotland will have another independence referendum if the UK does leave the EU.

He told the Daily Star Online: “I am assuming Scotland when we leave will have another referendum.

“I do not think it’s been positive for the UK, and I do not know how positive the last referendum was for Scotland.”

Murray said the state of the union right now is “unbelievably divisive” and questioned whether or not the referendum was right for Britain.

He also told the Daily Star Online that he was unsure which way Brexit is going to play out in the coming months, and said that the margin of the vote was too small to get a proper representation of the country’s opinion.

He also referred to the fact that, legally, the EU rferendum was only “advisory”.

Murray said: “One thing I don’t understand, is why when there is a referendum, it’s like 51 to 49 [percent], or 54 to 46.

“It is not big enough, it is not clear enough. It should be a much bigger percentage to change something potentially, so you know that’s really the direction the country wants to go in.

“So, we’ll see what happens in the next few years.”

He also claimed it “would make more sense” for a larger percentage to be required in order to impose the result of a referendum.

“I think right now obviously everything is unbelievably divisive,” he said.

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“And you cannot see a compromise on either side.

“I do not think that is a very good way to enter into any kind of discussions about anything, certainly not something as important as the future of Britain.”

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