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Ann Widdecombe given European parliament locker she can’t reach

Ann Widdecombe in the European Parliament. (Photograph: Brexit Party/Twitter) - Credit: Archant

Brexit Party MEP Ann Widdecombe was left unimpressed by her first week in the European parliament after her locker was positioned too high for her to reach.

Ann Widdecombe and Nigel Farage pose ahead of the European Elections. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images) – Credit: Getty Images

The Brexiteer complained it was “extraordinary” that no-one had accounted for the 71-year-old’s shortness before she turned up at the parliament.

While her Brexiteer colleagues all had lower positioned lockers, the 5’1 politician was left struggling to reach hers.

She fumed to the Express: “I don’t know whether anyone has asked them to change it, but I can reach it if I jump.

“I am very agile. At the moment I’ve been jumping.

“They didn’t know I was as short as I am, but it does seem extraordinary”.

It was part of a video of the Brexit Party’s MEPs first week in Strasbourg, in which they complained about the amount of money politicians could claim in expenses.

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Speaking to the camera, Widdecombe said: “Well, here we are. I’ve arrived and I’m just praying I shan’t be here for more than four months and that we really are going to leave at the end of October.

“And all I can say is never, ever complain about Westminster expenses.

“Because comparative to what goes on here our MPs turn up in hair shirts.”

The Telegraph revealed in 2009 that as an MP Widdecombe spent more than £9,000 of taxpayers’ money on her own personal newspaper cuttings service.

At the time she denied it was a “vanity exercise”.

She said: “I needed to know when I was being mentioned in the media as people would say ‘You said this on that date’ and I would need to be able to refer to the relevant cutting.”

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