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Anna Soubry says there’s a role for Nigel Farage to play in the House of Lords

Anna Soubry appears on LBC Radio. Photograph: LBC/Global. - Credit: Archant

Former Remainer MP Anna Soubry has suggested that Nigel Farage should have a place in the House of Lords.

The ex-Conservative minister was questioned on LBC Radio about the New Years Honours list in response to a listener’s phone call.

Speaking about Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, Soubry claimed that “there’s actually a good argument that he should be in the House of Lords.”

She said: “Because of that job of scrutiny, that job of legislation, that job of actually making sure the House of Lords is more representative.

“That’s why there’s a good argument that Nigel Farage, dare I say, should actually be in the House of Lords, so that that job can be done and it can better reflect society.”

Soubry admitted the proposal was a “little bit of a hand grenade” but added she draws the line at seeing Nigel Farage receiving a knighthood like some Brexiteers have requested.

She told listeners: “I wouldn’t have him knighted. I think that’s an honour”.

Farage has previously said he would abolish the House of Lords, but it was pointed out that did not appear to stop him possibly taking a peerage if it was offered.

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