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Annunziata Rees-Mogg says the Brexit Party is allowing Remain coalition to gain ground

Annunziata Rees-Mogg admitted that the Brexit Party had been splitting the vote and allowing Remain coalitions to gain ground. Picture: BBC - Credit: BBC

Annunziata Rees-Mogg has explained that she quit the Brexit Party because it is allowing a ‘Remain coalition’ to damage the Brexit cause.

The MEP gave her reasons for stepping down along with three other high-profile party members at a press conference in which she said it is “tragic” that the Brexit Party could be the architects of their own failure by continuing to stand for election.

Rees-Mogg, who has now called for her supporters to vote Conservative, told assembled press: “In Scotland, Wales and England the Brexit Party are permitting votes to go away from the Conservatives, providing us with a Remain coalition that will do anything not to honour the Brexit referendum.

“The votes they are taking are estimated, and I’ve found it true on doorsteps, to come approximately two-thirds from the Conservative supporters, one third from Labour.

“It is clear that those are damaging to getting Leavers into parliament.”


“I find it absolutely unbelievable, but tragic, that the Brexit Party, with so many wonderful people dedicated to a cause, are now the very party risking Brexit.”

The announcement comes as numerous high-profile Remain campaigners, including Armando Iannucci and Hugh Grant, have stepped up to galvanise pro-EU voters to consider tactical voting.

WATCH: ‘Boris Johnson is a danger’: The Thick of It creator calls for tactical votingThe joint defections from Rees-Mogg, Lance Forman, John Longworth and Lucy Harris comes in the final days of the general election campaign, some time after Farage bowed to initial pressure to stand down 317 of his candidates due to concern over splitting the Leave vote.

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