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New anti-Brexit march planned for weekend new prime minister takes office

Thousands of people take to the streets in a series of 'March for Europe' rallies against Brexit. (Photo by Kate Green/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

A new anti-Brexit protest calling for change will take place on the weekend that a new prime minister takes office.

The event, organised by a series of grassgroots campaign groups, has been branded a “march with a difference”.

The campaigners claim this one will “will put the proud and confident case for remaining in the EU.”

The organisers say: “This will mark the start of a national fightback against a government seemingly determined to deliver a no-deal or hard Brexit by October.”

It is expected to take place on Saturday July 20 – ahead of a new Conservative prime minister taking office.

Groups supporting the event include Britain for Europe, Scientists for the EU, InFacts, NHS for a People’s Vote, Women for a People’s Vote and Women for Europe.

Campaigner and writer Caroline Criado Perez said: “Ever since the 2016 referendum, the real issues that face this country have been completely neglected. Our NHS crisis has worsened, schools are having to beg for stationery and we still don’t have nearly enough affordable housing. We don’t have time to indulge any more politicking. Westminster has spent three years arguing about what Brexit looks like. It’s time they focused on fixing Britain.

MORE: Events – Our pick of this week’s anti-Brexit events and grassroots campaign activities

“And while the truth may have become unspeakable recently, the fact remains that we are stronger in Europe. We live in a globalised world and on everything from the climate emergency to transnational corporate tax dodging we have a better chance of addressing the issues we face if we stand together.”

Tom Brufatto, Chair of Britain for Europe, said: “Don’t let them tell you that Brexit is the will of the people. Every recent poll has shown a clear majority want to put Brexit behind us and reunite with Europe. Grassroots groups from Perth to Penzance, Snowdonia to Southend will be marching on 20 July to send a clear message that it is time to end the brexit chaos. We will not sit back and watch the country dragged out of Europe against the country’s will. We need to reunite the people and reunite with Europe.”

The announcement comes as the People’s Vote campaign revealed details of a separate series of rallies taking place across the UK in the summer and autumn.

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