The hashtag #PleaseLeaveMyTown became the top Twitter trend in the UK on Thursday after Boris Johnson was confronted several times in Yorkshire.
Boris Johnson was setting the scene for a “people versus parliament” election strategy when BBC footage caught the moment a member of the public shook his hand and said: “Please leave my town.”
Johnson promptly replied: “I will very soon” – the clip has since been shared widely on social media earning hundreds of thousands of views.
WATCH: Second heckling for Boris Johnson in Leeds in front of BBC News cameras
Several Labour MPs used the hashtag to share the video, with Labour MP and shadow justice secretary Richard Burgon tweeting: “When two worlds collide – straight talking Yorkshire meets Bullingdon bluster! #PleaseLeaveMyTown.”
Labour MP for Liverpool Walton Dan Carden meanwhile tweeted: “This is what happens when Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson actually comes face to face with “the people” he claims to speak for.”
Another Twitter user said: “Dearest Yorkshire, as a Lancastrian, I have no problem at all in saying that today belongs to you.”
Harry Neary said: “I think the Yorkshireman telling Johnson to #PleaseLeaveMyTown might be the best thing to happen in British politics for years” while Kate Wilton said: “I love the way #PleaseLeaveMyTown is trending. Proud of my paternal Yorkshire roots.”
On the wider point, Judy Hamilton tweeted: “So in a couple of days Johnson & his cronies have managed to alienate Women, Muslims, Doctors, the BMA, the Police, Yorkshire, Parliament, the EU, Ireland, a huge number of his own MPs, his own brother. Anyone else?”
During the six o’clock broadcast Johnson also encountered a man who told him he should be in Brussels – not in Morley.