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Poll finds public still want UK to stay in EU days before scheduled Brexit departure date

Campaigners at the People's Vote march in London as MPs vote on Boris Johnson's Brexit deal. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The general public still want the UK to remain in the European Union with just days to go untl the intended Brexit departure date.

In line with polling over the last three years, the latest BMG poll for the Independent has found that more people want to see the UK to retain membership of the EU.

Despite the general election before Christmas producing a Commons majority for Boris Johnson, voters are split by 52-48 on the issue of the EU.

This time, however, the public backs remaining by 52% to 48%.

Those polled expected Brexit to be bad for the economy, the NHS and the union as well as Britain’s standing in the world.

Nearly three in 10 people (29%) expected to be financially worse off from Brexit compared to just 15% who thought their finances would improve under Brexit.

More than four in 10 want to have a say on rejoining the EU in the next decade, with 18% wanting a second referendum in the next year, 15% within the next five years, and 9% in the next six to 10 years.

Ten percent did not believe there should be a referendum within the next 11 years, while 28% said there should not be another at all.

The BMG polling found that just 11% backed leaving the EU without a trade deal at the end of 2020, compared to 39% who supported a trade deal, and 27% supporting continued membership of the single market.

Despite Boris Johnson’s majority in the House of Commons more people voted for anti-Brexit parties than supported pro-Brexit parties in the election.

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