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Now the Brexiteers turn on Boris Johnson

'Come on lads ... THINK!' Jacob Rees-Mogg, Boris Johnson and Peter Bone struggle to make sense of Brexit Photo: Getty - Credit: Getty Images

News that Boris Johnson is considering stalling Brexit has angered the party’s Leave MPs.

The Sun reports that Johnson is considering proposing an extended transition period to break the deadlock between the UK and the European Union.

It would mean Brexit would not happen until at least October 2019.

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According to the newspaper a number of Brexiteers in the Conservative party have denounced the plans – including several cabinet ministers.

They said: ‘People will not put up with us delaying Brexit by a single day, so I’ve told Boris I don’t think his plan works.

‘We’re in a bugger’s muddle alright, but it won’t be any better in six months time so we have to tough it out with the EU now.’

Another cabinet minister said that Boris had misjudged the mood of Tory activists.

‘Boris is self-destructing at the moment. Everything he has said is badly miscalculated because he is a man in a desperate hurry and it’s looking over the top and desperate.

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They added: ‘It’s a sad sight really because he has so much potential talent.’

MPs were equally as scathing. John Howell told the newspaper: ‘As far as I’m concerned, Boris can just f*** off.’

Meanwhile the chancellor has toured the television and radio studios to dismiss Johnson’s Brexit plans.

‘It isn’t about taking back control, it’s about fantasy world,’ Philip Hammond told ITV’s Good Morning Britain.

MORE: ‘He should be Sir Nigel’, Peter Bone tells Leave Means Leave rally

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