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Boris Johnson approves publication of report into Russian interference

Prime minister Boris Johnson on the campaign trail - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Boris Johnson has finally agreed that the report into Russian interference can be published – just days after the election had concluded.

The prime minister cleared the Commons Intelligence and Security Committee report into alleged Russian interference in the UK democratic process.

His official spokesman confirmed it had now been approved: “In line with his responsibilities under the Justice and Security Act 2013, the prime minister carefully considered the report of the former committee.

“He is content publication would not prejudice the functions of those bodies that safeguard our national security.

“Publication will be a matter for the new ISC in due course.”

MORE: Boris Johnson ambushed over the Russia report during election campaign walkabout

It is understood that now Johnson has cleared the report it can be published, but to do so requires the formation of the new ISC when parliament returns.

The prime minister was criticised for failing to allow the report to be published before the election, claiming that it was “Bermuda Triangle stuff” when he was criticised for failing to comply.

A leak revealed that the document suggests that there was interference during the 2016 EU referendum, and that the British intelligence services had failed to devote enough resources to counter the threat and highlighted the impact of articles posted by Russian new sites that were widely disseminated on social media.

Days after Johnson refused to reveal details of the report Boris Johnson accepted £200,000 from the wife of a former Russian finance minister under president Putin.

Shortly after his election win the prime minister also attended a Christmas party held by Russian tycoon and owner of the Evening Standard Evgeny Lebedev.

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