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Boris Johnson insists he’s never told a lie

Boris Johnson answers questions for ITV News. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

Boris Johnson has insisted to a reporter he has never told a lie during his political career.

The prime minister was told by ITV News reporter Paul Brand the issue of trust was a big problem.

He was then asked to look him in the eye and say that he had never lied during his political career.

Initially looking at the reporter, he said: “Absolutely not, absolutely not.”

Looking away, he continued: “I’ve never tried to deceive the public and I’ve always tried to be frank.”

“Not even a white lie?” asked the reporter.

“I may have got things wrong,” continued the politician. “And I may have been, er, mistaken, but I’ve never tried to deceive people about the way I see things”.

In another clip he continued: “I’m not going to pretend that within my political career I’ve not said or done things that have caused offence, and that I haven’t made mistakes.

“I’ve certainly made mistakes”.

But his opponents were quick to seize on some of those “mistakes” he made which showed he had not been honest.

Jo Swinson pointed out that Michael Howard had to sack Boris Johnson from his frontbench back in 2004 when he lied over an extramarital affair.

She said: “He was sacked twice for lying. So when he says he has never lied, he’s literally lying.”

He had also been taken to court over the £350 million claim plastered on the side of the bus during the EU referendum campaign, and also for his reasons for proroguing parliament, which led to accusations he had lied to the Queen.

The fact he was prepared to look a reporter in the eye and deny lying could be a cause for concern for Brexiteer Mark Francois, who had been previously keen to point out Boris Johnson once looked him in the eye to give him assurances about Brexit.

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