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Woman calls Boris Johnson an a*****e moments after meeting him

Boris Johnson was called an a*****e on a visit to Doncaster. Photo: ITV News - Credit: ITV

ITV was forced to bleep out a woman’s language, when she called Boris Johnson an a*****e just moments after meeting him on a trip to see flooding victims in Doncaster.

This woman branded Boris Johnson an a******e on television. Photograph: ITV. – Credit: Archant

Johnson was in the Stainforth area when Julia Keegan, who runs the community centre he was visiting, told reporters “he’s an a*****e”.

She added that the prime minister had “just come to show his face” adding that she felt he “didn’t understand anything”.

Another woman told the prime minister: “I’m not very happy about talking to you so, if you don’t mind, I’ll just mope on with what I’m doing.

“You’ve not helped us up to press. I don’t know what you’re here today for.”

The report only went out in the Yorkshire region, but was quickly shared on social media with it receiving thousands of likes, retweets and comments.

“The interview at the end here is absolutely devastating,” wrote Ian Dunt.

“Out of touch Johnson skewered by good Yorkshire common sense” said Angela Eagle.

Hadley Freeman joked: “This whole clip is satisfying but especially from 1:09. I honestly could watch members of the public being rude to and about Johnson until the end of time and still not get enough”.

Alan White tweeted: “I’m just watching the end of this and remembering all the chat during the Tory leadership contest about how Johnson was the only candidate who could connect the party with the general public and, well”.

MORE: Heckler gives Boris Johnson the middle finger as he brands government ‘thieves’

The Doncaster North seat has been held by Labour’s Ed Miliband since 2005, he held it at the last election from the Conservative challenger by a majority of 14,000.

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