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Brexit Party founder echoes Donald Trump by calling for Muslim ban in UK

Catherine Blaiklock - founder of the Brexit Party. Photograph: Archant. - Credit: Archant

The founder of the Brexit Party – who created the organisation before Nigel Farage took over – has called for a Muslim ban in response to the London Bridge tragedy.

Catherine Blaiklock, who was forced out as leader after her racist views were exposed, took to Twitter to attack Boris Johnson for his response to the incident.

Echoing Donald Trump with his own Muslim ban, she tweeted: “How about stopping the highest ever non-EU migration. How about stopping Jihadis from returning. How about stopping further Muslim immigration. How about stopping radical Islamic mosques and funding from Saudi and Qatar?”

She later tweeted a seven-point plan which included calls for a return for capital punishment.

Blaiklock also took to Twitter to stoke up tensions by tweeting that “diversity is our weakness”.

She wrote: “Are those terrorists in that picture really British? Do they look British? Do they think like a British person? Are they loyal to Britain? Do they have anything in common with Britain? Do they like Britain? Or are they actually Indian or Pakistani?”

In October she claimed that Nigel Farage’s organisation was not right-wing enough, and their approach to diversity would “fill the streets with immigrants”.She predicted that at the general election that the Brexit Party would not win a single seat.

Blaiklock was forced out of her post as leader of the Brexit Party in March claiming her past racist remarks “were out-of-character comments”.

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