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Nigel Farage insists the UK is a ‘leave country’ – despite polls showing otherwise

Nigel Farage speaking on Sophy Ridge on Sunday this morning. Picture: Sky - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has suggested the UK remains a ‘leave country’, despite nearly every poll in the last two years showing Remain is leading.


Speaking to Sky’s Sophy Ridge earlier this morning, the Brexit Party leader discussed his thoughts on Brexit, ‘Super Saturday’ and his party’s plans for any upcoming general election.

But as per usual, the Brexit Party leader sounded like a broken record, harping on about taking back control and a clean break Brexit.

In the interview, Farage said he was trying “to educate people” on Brexit – despite making a number of incorrect claims himself, including saying the transition period lasts until 2022.

Farage added: “We’ve got a leave country, that hasn’t changed one little bit,” despite not providing any evidence for such a claim.

Speaking on Boris Johnson’s failed attempts to get his ‘Super Saturday’ deal through parliament yesterday, Farage said: “I’ll warn everybody. If this treaty goes through nothing will have changed at all.

“I think far better to have a short delay and a general election where we might solve this.”

MORE: ‘Overwhelming majority’ of polls have backed Remain for the last two years

The arch-Brexiteer also admitted to being open to the idea of an extension, contradicting earlier statements saying he wanted the UK to leave by October 31.

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