A petition calling for the sacking of Boris Johnson’s senior adviser Dominic Cummings has hit one million signatures.
Cummings has managed to cling on to his position in government, with the prime minister backing the top adviser, despite a police report finding a breach of the lockdown rules.
But the police said they did not intend to take ‘retrospective action’ for his trip to Durham, leading to Johnson saying he considered the matter ‘closed’.
But a change.org petition calling for Cummings to go has now hit a landmark figure, with a million voices urging him to go.
The ‘Dominic Cummings must be sacked’ petition was started by Gary Kelly on Monday, and continues to rise in signatures.
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Raj Gill wrote: ‘Thousands of grieving families are not allowed to see hospitalised loved ones before they pass – NO ONE is excused for flouting the law. Especially 10 Downing St!’
Edward Yateman said: ‘His cloudy judgment has thrown the spirit of the lockdown rules into disarray.’
Hannah Buck said Cummings’ behaviour had put lives at risk: ‘He broke the rules of lockdown, putting so many people at risk, and has only acted ignorantly and arrogantly since. People are not allowed to visit their dying children in hospitals, and this man is being let off because of who he is and who he knows.’
According to the Daily Mail, the senior adviser has suggested he may leave his position at the end of the year when Brexit is completed.
But it is unlikely to detract from those who believe he should have gone immediately for undermining the government’s efforts to tackle the coronavirus.