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Government ‘pauses’ the £100 million ‘get ready for Brexit’ campaign

An electronic display showing a 'Get ready for Brexit' Government advert,in London. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The government has ‘paused’ its ‘get ready for Brexit’ advertising campaign after the EU granted an extension until January 31st.

A new billboard from the Led By Donkeys campaign mocks the government’s ‘get ready for Brexit’ adverts. Photograph: Led By Donkeys. – Credit: Archant

The campaign, said to cost at least £100 million, was launched at the end of August with social media advertising, television, radio, and billboard messages.

It had been derided on social media, and even on billboard sites across the country by the Led By Donkeys campaigners, who at an anti-Brexit protest unveiled their own “get ready for a People’s Vote” message.

The National Audit Office said the campaign had “limited impact” because it was launched so close to 31st October.

“On 1 September 2019, the government launched a major communications campaign to help individuals and businesses prepare for EU exit, including newspaper and television adverts, improved guidance and direct engagement with industry,” their report said.

MORE: Are the government’s Brexit ads a psychology trick on all of Britain?

“However, at this late stage and with ongoing uncertainty about the prospect of no deal on 31 October, this may have limited impact.”

After the EU granted an extension to January 31st, the prime minister’s official spokesman has said the government’s campaign is being “paused”.

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