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You can now carve your favourite Brexiteer on to a pumpkin

The new 'Westmonsters' pumpkin carving kit from Groupon. Photograph: Groupon. - Credit: Archant

Whether it’s Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage, or Boris Johnson – you can now purchase a kit to carve your favourite Brexiteer on to a pumpkin.

Groupon have released a special free kit to put your favourite – or least favourite – politician on to the fruit in time for October 31st… the date Britain was meant to leave the EU.

The ‘Westmonsters’ kits from professional pumpkin carvers Sand In Your Eye mean you can do something far artier than ghosts, witches or anti-Brexit mottos this year.

It means you can scare off trick or treaters with your own scary Brexiteer.

The firm have also catered for those that voted Leave with kits for Jo Swinson and John Bercow too.

It comes as The New European released its own downloadable masks for those dressing up over the Halloween weekend.

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