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Are pro-Leave parties making their own pact to rival Remain alliance?

The pro-Leave parties may be about to unite in their own pact to rival the organisation of the pro-Remain alliance. Photo: Stefan Rousseau and Danny Lawson / PA Wire - Credit: Archant

The pro-Leave parties may be about to unite in their own pact to rival the organisation of the pro-Remain alliance.


It comes after the major Remain parties in England and Wales – the Lib Dems, the Greens, and Plaid Cymru – announced plans to ensure their candidates would not contest each other in 60 constituencies across the country.

The polling expert John Curtice has already predicted the Unite to Remain alliance “could be crucial” in the general election.

READ MORE: Polling expert John Curtice makes prediction about Remain pactOn Thursday, the official Leave.EU twitter account posted an image suggesting the pro-Leave parties should create a similar pact.

“Remainers are getting organised… Why won’t we?!” the account posted.

READ MORE: Full list of 60 seats where pro-EU candidates are uniting for Remain“The Lib Dems, Greens, and Plaid have done a deal to give each other a free run in 60 seats. The Remainers are getting organised, so why aren’t Boris and Nigel?

“Brexiteers DEMAND a pact! Sign the petition to make your voice heard.”

A petition created by the pro-Leave organisation asks the Conservative and Brexit parties to create a Leave alliance to ensure the Leave vote isn’t split.

Currently, the Brexit Party’s leader Nigel Farage is against supporting Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, but he has watered down claims that the prime minister must scarp his deal in return for an electoral pact.

READ MORE: Nigel Farage backtracks on comments calling for Boris Johnson to drop his Brexit dealFarage said: “Boris Johnson is offering something that is not Brexit and does not get Brexit done.”

He now wants to see Johnson remove the extension that could allow Brexit extensions to go onto 2022, and he wants to stop any deal which would bind the UK in a trade deal which prevents itself doing deals with the rest of the world.

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