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Jeremy Corbyn mocked for refusing to say if he would campaign for Leave or Remain after general election

Jeremy Corbyn on Sophy Ridge on Sunday. Photograph: Sky News. - Credit: Archant

A television news presenter has mocked Labour’s Brexit policy as Jeremy Corbyn refused to say if he would campaign for Brexit or Remain after a general election.

Sophy Ridge was baffled by Labour’s position on Brexit. Photograph: Sky. – Credit: Archant

Sky News presenter Sophy Ridge used her interview with the Labour leader to try to make some sense of the leader of the opposition’s Brexit proposals.

She said: “You’re a man who has been campaigning all your life. Are you going to be campaigning to Leave or to Remain?”

But Corbyn insisted that only up against a no-deal Brexit would he campaign to stay in the EU.

He said: “What we said is in the event of the no deal Brexit we’ll campaign to Remain.”

But Ridge still remained unclear, asking: “What if Labour negotiates the deal?”

The Labour leader responded: “Well, we’ve got to get into office first to negotiate a deal and win an election first.

“If we win an election then we’ll reopen those talks with the EU.

“But at the moment the danger is a no deal exit on October 31 with all the problems that that brings.”

But in a mocking manner, Ridge said her head was hurting from his position.

She said: “I understand that you’re opposed to a no deal, but where my head starts to hurt slightly is I’m still struggling to see exactly what is in Jeremy Corbyn’s heart when it comes to Brexit.

“I mean it’s crystal clear what Boris Johnson wants – like it or not. It’s crystal clear what Jo Swinson wants. What does Jeremy Corbyn want? Do you want to stay in the EU or leave?”

Dodging the question, Jeremy Corbyn continued: “Investment, jobs, trade and equality, both in or out of the EU. I want those things.”

Jeremy Corbyn also did not guarantee he would call a confidence motion in Boris Johnson before Britain is intended to leave the European Union on October 31st.

Instead he said: “I can guarantee you this, we will do everything to prevent a no-deal Brexit, we will do everything to challenge this government, and we will do it at a time of our choosing.”

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson responded to the interview by saying Jeremy Corbyn was “bottling it” on Brexit.

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