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Lib Dems bounce into second place in poll after party conference

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson and fellow MPs take a walk on Bournemouth beach before her speech. (Photo by Finnbarr Webster/Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

A poll has put support for the Liberal Democrats ahead of Labour after its party conference in Bournemouth.

In the YouGov poll for the Times, Labour has been put in third place following the resurgency of the Lib Dems.

It follows Jo Swinson’s decision to back an outright revocation of Article 50 without a referendum.

The newspaper reports: “A new YouGov poll for the Times puts the Lib Dems on 23%, up four points on last week and ahead of Labour, which is down two points at 21%.”

MORE: Lib Dems bounce into second place in poll after party conference

It adds: “It is the first time Labour has been in third place since July. The Conservatives are on 32%, unchanged on a week ago.”

The bounce is driven by pro-EU supporters with 41% of Remainers now backing the Lib Dems. That is up eight points in the last week.

The same poll puts the Brexit Party unmoved on 14% with the Greens on 4% of support – down three points.

Seperate polling by ComRes before Lib Dem conference put Labour ahead – but with Boris Johnson way off being able to form a majority. It suggests a Labour, Lib Dem and SNP coalition could be formed to stop Brexit.

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