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Labour’s most outspoken Brexiteer MP announces plans for retirement

Nigel Farage and Kate Hoey on board a boat promoting 'Fishing for Leave' - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Labour’s most outspoken Brexiteer in the House of Commons has announced she will not contest her seat at the next general election.

The Vauxhall MP, who has represented the seat since 1989, has been at odds with her local constituency party and much of the parliamentary Labour Party for her Brexiteer viewpoint.

She has frequently shared stage with Brexiteers including Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Esther McVey and David Davis.

In 2016 she was photographed campaigning in the EU referendum on a flotilla promoting the pro-Brexit group Fishing for Leave, alongside Farage.

But now Hoey has announced her plans to step down as Labour MP as the party begins its selection process for the next general election.

Andrea Jenkyns, Kate Hoey, Nigel Farage and Leave Means Leave supporters on the way to Sunderland. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

In a statement she said: “Until the next general election I will of course continue every single day to give my all to help constituents in Vauxhall and to campaign for policies that make life better for residents.

“I will carry on until a general election serving with the energy, honesty and integrity that I have tried to bring to public service my whole life.

“It remains a huge privilege to serve this special part of London. I have had wonderful staff over the years some with me for over 20 years and I thank them all for their personal support.

“I am profoundly grateful to those party members, local residents, community groups and trade unions with whom I have worked and campaigned over so many years.”

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, Labour MP Kate Hoey, and Nigel Farage. Photograph: Lauren Hurley/PA. – Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

She was facing a deselection bid from her local party, after they accused Hoey of “colluding with Nigel Farage.”

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At a heated meeting in July 2018 one activist told her: “In the name of God, go.”

The latest news has been met with glee by anti-Brexit campaigners including Best for Britain CEO Naomi Smith.

She said: “Kate Hoey has let her constituents and her local Labour Party down for years.

“Her lasting legacy will be as a Labour MP in London who tried her best to help force through Boris Johnson’s damaging Brexit.

“Good riddance to her. It’s time for an internationalist Labour politician to take her place and help the country stop Brexit.”

The Borough of Lambeth, which includes the Vauxhall constituency, voted 78.6% to stay in the European Union in the 2016 referendum – the highest proportion of Remain voters of any area aside from Gibraltar.

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