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Jess Phillips has perfect rebuke for Tory Brexiteer who complained about having to wear a face mask

Eurosceptic Tory MP Desmond Swayne on Channel 4 News; Channel 4 News, Twitter - Credit: Archant

A Labour MP has delivered the perfect rebuke to a Tory Brexiteer who compared wearing face masks to walking around like Darth Vader.

Eurosceptic Tory MP and member of the pressure group Leave Means Leave Desmond Swayne claimed the government introduced rules allowing fines to be issued to people not wearing a face mask in public without proper debate.

Swyane, who has previously refused to wear a mask in public, told Channel 4 News that ‘all of a sudden’ Britons were ‘being governed by diktat and by directive.’

The controversial Tory MP, who earlier this year said people had ‘lost their sense of proportion and sense of humour’ over news he went black face at a fancy dress party, continued: ‘Normally in a democracy the government would have a debate in parliament and make its case and there would be a vote.

‘[But this] government has been governing since the beginning of this crisis by diktat.’

Swayne added that he was ‘absolutely’ willing to send a child to school without a mask, despite new government advice requesting students wear them in communal areas at school.

MORE: Brexiteer MP – who once blackfaced at a party – claims Black Lives Matter rioters ‘have it coming’

Asked what was so bad about wearing a mask, he said: ‘I think it’s frightful. I think it’s awful having to cover your face and go about like Darth Vader.’

When the broadcaster tweeted his comments, Labour MP Jess Phillips wrote: ‘You want to try wearing a bra just for one day mate.’

The remark provoked a mixed response on Twitter.

Madeleina Kay said Phillips ‘absolutely owned’ Desmond.

One user called it the ‘best response yet to this nonsense’ while another described it as the ‘Best. Reply. Ever.’

Nikke Stix said she did not ‘really seeing the relevance’ of Phillips’ comment while Leah Dalby wrote that Swayne had an ‘important point about democracy and voices being heard (no puns intended).’

Jen argued that wearing a bra was a choice. ‘No one mandates we bra ourselves and bra our kids at risk of criminal sanction,’ she pointed out.’

Replying to the tweet, Phillips said: ‘I don’t think kids should be criminalised and if I heard of cases where that was happening I would act, I think those who can should wear one and we should be kind and thoughtful (and perhaps systematic) for those who can’t.’

Others poked fun at Swayne and Phillips. Aylwun Scully joked: ‘Tory MP, of course he’s worn a bra.’

Neil Grainger said: ‘You’d think a tit as big as this would be used to wearing a bra.’

Another said about Phillips: ‘Sounds like she needs to get a new bra if it’s uncomfortable.’

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