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‘Brexit ruined this country’ – Radio caller slams PM in five minute rant

A life-long Labour supporter who LBC Radios Iain Dale said is his favourite caller of all time has slammed the prime minister and Conservative party in an epic five minute rant on the radio station. Photo: LBC / PA - Credit: Archant

A life-long Labour supporter who LBC Radio’s Iain Dale said is his ‘favourite caller of all time’ has slammed the prime minister and Conservative party in an epic five minute rant on the radio station.

A life-long Labour supporter who LBC Radio’s Iain Dale said is his “favourite caller of all time” has slammed the prime minister and Conservative party in an epic five minute rant on the radio station.

After getting the all clear from Dale to “talk about anything”, the caller, named Sean, jumped into a rant about the prime minister and his lies, the Conservative party, and even LBC Radio itself.

Sean said: “[Boris Johnson]’s the biggest liar on two feet. He is an absolute disgrace to this country and if we put him back into power, God help this country.

“I am sick to the back teeth of all these Tory idiots that turn round and say the Tories are going to do fantastic for this country.

“They are an absolute disgrace these Tories and they always have been. They don’t give a damn about the North East. They don’t give a damn about what happens up here.”

He added “Brexit is ruining this country” and said: “Tory voters are all half-wits.”

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“The Tories ruined the North East. They knew they ruined the North East,” Sean said. “I’ve never forgiven them for what they did to me when I left school when I was in 1981, when they put us on £1 an hour. They had me cleaning sewers for £1 an hour.”

Sean told Iain Dale: “Thatcher was the most evil woman in the world and she always will be up in the North East.”

Iain replied: “She’s my absolute heroine of all time, Sean.”

Sean responded: “Heroine? I think you’re on heroin.

“At the end of the day mate I am fed up of these Tories saying they do good for this country.”

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