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Matt Hancock tells anti-Brexit campaigner to ‘go back to Luxembourg’

Matt Hancock is videoed by Steve Bray outside the Cabinet Office. Photograph: Steve Bray/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Political flipflopper Matt Hancock has told Steve Bray to ‘go back to Luxembourg’ after the anti-Brexit campaigner started to ask him difficult questions.

Hancock, who spoke out against a no-deal Brexit during the Tory leadership contest, was not prepared to answer Steve Bray’s questions when asked if it was time the government was “honest” with the public.

The health secretary in interviews had not denied people could die if there was a no-deal Brexit on October 31st, something Hancock has not repeated.

The minister also spoke out as a candidate in the Conservative Party leadership contest against the prorogation of parliament.

He said at the time: “Proroguing parliament is clearly a mad suggestion. You cannot say you are going to take back control … and then go: ‘Oh, by the way, we are just going to shut parliament down for a couple of months, so we are just going to drift out on a no deal.'”

But when Bray approached him asking him a difficult question the MP simply told him to “get back to Luxembourg” in reference to the protesters that heckled Boris Johnson and caused him to run away from a press conference.

“Go back to Luxembourg? Really Matt Hancock? That’s despicable!” shouted Bray back.

Steve Bray with anti-Brexit campaigners. Photograph: David Mirzeoff/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

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