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Nigel Farage plans a Brexit party in Parliament Square – but invitees will have to pay

Pro Brexit supporters outside parliament. Photograph: Jacob King/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Outspoken Brexiteer Nigel Farage has applied to host a party in Parliament Square that could cost in the value of £100,000 – expected to coincide with parliament voting through the Withdrawal Agreement Bill.

The Telegraph reports that Richard Tice and Nigel Farage from the Brexit Party have applied to the Greater London Assembly – which licenses events in the area – to host an event on January 31st which could involve bands, comedians and fireworks.

The event’s finish would coincide with a possible ringing of Big Ben at 11pm to mark the UK’s departure from the EU – should the proposal from Mark Francois become law and should it be possible to restore the bell in time.

Approximately 5,000 to 10,000 Brexiteers will be invited by Farage – but will be expected to pay for the privilege.

As per other ventures from Tice and Farage, they are hoping to find donors to contribute to the costs.

Pro-Brexit voters outside the Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Announcing his plans Brexit Party leader Farage said: “Jan 31 is a moment to celebrate, when the establishment have been beaten by the people.

“Jan 31 is a moment to celebrate, when the Establishment have been beaten by the people.

“We will invite people from all parties, business figures – they will be asked to join the celebration.

“There will be a few short speeches but they won’t be very political.

Pro-Brexit supporters advocate a no-deal Brexit outside the Houses of Parliament. (Yui Mok/PA) – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

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“It will be celebratory. There will be music and singing. It will be a good-natured, upbeat, optimistic genuine celebration with no direct political edge whatsoever.”

It comes as the government confirmed a festival of Brexit Britain – first proposed by Theresa May – is still expected to take place next year at a cost of £120 million.

The Greater London Assembly will meet to discuss Farage’s plans in the coming days.

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