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Nigel Farage planning to launch new political party

Nigel Farage appears on Sky News. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage is planning to launch a new political party after just twelve months since the launch of the Brexit Party.

The Brexiteer has previously talked about plans to rebrand his business as the Reform Party, and has made a number of hints before the general election about his intentions.

Now the likeliness of him pressing ahead with his proposals look even more likely after a peer claimed that he was convinced it would go ahead.

Lord David Owen, a former minister and SDP co-founder, has previously supported Farage’s call for the abolition of the House of Lords.

He said: “Mark my words – Nigel Farage has a proven record of getting shifts of opinion in this country.

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“And now, he has singled out reforming the House of Lords.

“He is going to launch some new party.

“He has chosen proportional representation and House of Lords. He will lead with the House of Lords, though.

“It won’t be very hard to pull out.”

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In November Farage told one news organisation that he would “disappear” as soon as Brexit was sorted, but in a separate interview outlined his intentions to launch a “Reform Party”.

He said: “We might need to rebrand as the Reform Party. Definitely our appetite is for political reform. This country wants political reform. It’s sick of the whole bloody system. Sick the whole lot.

“We talk about [Washington as] the swamp and we are beginning to talk about Westminster in the same way.”

He continued: “It’s ludicrous. And the way the whole peerage and honours system has been used. The whole thing is corrupt.

“There is an absolutely massive disconnect. The idea of changing politics is completely on the table.

“Electoral reform 10 years ago was for the Oxford Union, now people actually understand it. They hate the House of Lords. This is going to be a big issue in the next few years.”

Several local Brexit Party social media accounts have already rebadged themselves as branches of the Reform Party.

Last week it was reported the founder of the Brexit Party, Catherine Blaiklock, had teamed up with Tommy Robinson to launch a new organisation focused on free speech.

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