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Nigel Farage ignores border rules to arrive ‘in the USA’

Nigel Farage tweets claiming to be in the USA. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Brexiteer Nigel Farage – who has spent his political life complaining about relaxed attitudes at borders – appears to have ignored quarantine rules on both sides of the Atlantic to travel to the United States.

The Brexit Party leader tweeted a picture of himself in sunglasses with a thumbs up, posing by a lake, and claiming to be in ‘the USA, only 24 hours from Tulsa.’

Farage seems to have ignored the UK Foreign Office rules advising British nationals ‘against all but essential international travel’.

It comes as Donald Trump prepared to hold his first campaign rally since the coronavirus outbreak, with speculation he may appear alongside the US president in the Oklahoma city.

There have been questions about how the Brexiteer made it into America given its strict border controls for those living in the UK.

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Farage spent much of lockdown complaining that the UK was being ‘invaded’ by migrants despite rules in place to prevent people entering the UK.

He took to Twitter to complain after police visited his home to warn him about his trips to a number of beach towns, where he was apparently on the look out for those arriving by boat.

At the time he insisted he was a key worker, having been employed by LBC Radio until he was dropped by the station last week.

His latest tweet has prompted plenty of chatter, with many suddenly supporting Farage’s call for stricter border controls now he has left the country.

‘Suddenly, the UK’s quarantine policy makes some sense,’ tweeted former cabinet minister David Gauke.

‘Time for full lockdown of UK borders,’ wrote Chris Doyle.

‘So this was why Farage spent months studying how illegal immigrants defy travel restrictions!’ responded Nick Denys.

‘At last he’s been deported’, celebrated Giles Paley-Phillips.

‘Outstanding that Nigel Farage has illegally entered a foreign country,’ posted Tom Richell.

‘Flouting the US travel ban and becoming an illegal immigrant, and then posting the evidence on Twitter. Nice one,’ posted James Brownsell.

A Department of Homeland Security spokesperson told the Independent Farage was initially denied boarding of his flight to the US, but he was permitted after a review because his visit was deemed to be ‘in the national interest’.

In an interview with the Sunday Express last year, Farage has hinted he wanted to make his break in America next.

He told the newspaper: ‘The States, now that is the big game. Living here is not easy, living in the States is a lot more easy. In America you can live a normal life.’

In 2017 Farage said he would ‘go and live abroad, I’ll go and live somewhere else’ if Brexit was a disaster.

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