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Piers Morgan trolls Mark Francois by playing the bongs of Big Ben ‘for free’

Mark Francois appears on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

In a bizarre moment of television Piers Morgan has trolled Mark Francois by playing out a recording of the bongs of Big Ben.

Mark Francois is trolled by Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV. – Credit: Archant

Femi Oluwole and Mark Francois were invited on ITV’s Good Morning Britain to discuss the campaign to get Big Ben bonging on January 31st.

While Francois used the Daily Express front cover to claim that there was a lot of support for the campaign, Oluwole pointed out that he could not understand what the Brexiteers were celebrating given they were giving up having any say at the EU table, while continuing to be governed by Brussels in the transition period.

Presenter Morgan, however, said he was inclined to agree with Oluwole that it appeared to be a waste of money to spend at a time when people are still concerned about how money is spent in the country.

While he acknowledged the crowdfunding efforts would be better than spending taxpayers’ money, he could not see why a recording of Big Ben could not be used instead.

Mark Francois debates Femi Oluwole on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV. – Credit: Archant

As Oluwole and Francois continued to argue over the pros and cons of the issue, Morgan started to troll Francois, leading to some an incredibly bizarre moment of television.

“Here is Big Ben! You can have these for nothing!” the presenter told Francois, as he suggested he recorded the clip to use on January 31st.

MORE: The best reactions to that Daily Express front cover

“If you don’t get it [the crowdfunding]… take our bongs, put it on a loudhailer, and you’ve got the bongs. Pretend it’s real!”

Francois’ face is a picture as everyone around him laughs at the Brexiteer MP.

Previously he has “lightheartedly” said he would go up Big Ben and bong it himself if the House of Commons does not comply.

MORE: Muted response to Boris Johnson’s crowdfunding appeal to ‘bung a bob for a Big Ben bong’

He explained: “I said lightheartedly if all fails me and Bill Cash will go up there and whack it with a mallet and save some money”.

It prompted Oluwole to say he would “pay money to see it” prompting Francois to ask how much he was prepared to pledge.

The scenes from the breakfast programme show has divided Britain remains – despite Boris Johnson claiming that he was going to heal the country in 2020.

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