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Piers Morgan claims nobody has changed their mind on Brexit… but he has

Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid over Brexit. Photograph: Good Morning Britain/ITV. - Credit: Archant

Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan has claimed that nobody has changed their mind on Brexit, provoking a backlash from his co-presenter.

Morgan told Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage that he had “not met anybody who has changed their mind” about whether we should leave the EU or not, despite the fact he himself claims to have voted Remain in the 2016 referendum and now supports Leave.

He said: “Remainers say everyone has changed their mind. People send me tweets from people claiming they have.

“I have not personally met anybody in my circle of friends, family or wider acquaintances, anybody, who has genuinely changed their mind.”

But his claims provoked a sharp retort from his co-presenter Susanna Reid, who pointed out there had been many on the programme who thought differently.

“Sorry, we have had people sitting here at this desk who have changed their mind. Gavin Williamson and a number of members of the cabinet have changed their mind.” she replied.

MORE: Piers Morgan tells Brexiteers not to ‘bother voting again’

“Let me qualify it,” said Morgan. “Apart from self interested politicians who want to retain their power and have performed dramatic u-turns on their position.”

Morgan quickly changed his view on Brexit after the Leave vote, and recently wrote he would support Brexit in a People’s Vote.

He said: “I voted Remain, and still don’t think Brexit is a good idea. However, if there were to be a second EU referendum, I would vote Leave.”

It is a similar claim to that of minister Liz Truss, who said the same thing, before presenter Eddie Mair pointed out she had swapped sides.

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