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‘This is all your fault!’ – Presenter hits out at Iain Duncan-Smith

Iain Duncan-Smith on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: GMB/ITV. - Credit: Archant

A breakfast television presenter has laid the blame firmly at the door of the Conservatives for its problems – after a Brexiteer tried to claim otherwise.

Iain Duncan-Smith, appearing on Good Morning Britain, tried to make the case for why the paralysis in politics was not the fault of the Conservatives or Boris Johnson.

He said: “This is parliament is genuinely dead – there is no legislation that we can get through and at the moment the public isn’t going to be governed by parliament.”

But it sparked presenter Susanna Reid to point out that the problem was very much something that they had caused.

She told the Brexiteer: “Can I put it to you it’s your party’s fault parliament is like this.

“Theresa May called a general election in 2017 when you were way ahead in the polls and then catastrophically lost the majority.

“So you can blame parliament, but actually responsibility is entirely on your party and your party alone.”

Reid continued: “What makes you think anything would be different?”

MORE: Brexiteer accuses Nigel Farage of being a Remainer who is ‘conning’ Leave voters

But undeterred, Duncan-Smith continues to explain why it was not his fault, or his party’s fault.

He explained: “I was against the 2017 election public, absolutely fundamentally against it. I did try and tell them don’t do it. The public doesn’t want it, we’re only a year out from a very bruising referendum. Give us time, let’s get Brexit done, and then we can go to the polls.

“But they argued ‘oh we need a majority’…”

To which Reid interrupted to say: “Yes, a majority to get everything through, that sounds familiar, doesn’t it?”

“I’m in agreement with you! I wouldn’t have called the 2017 general election,” explained Duncan-Smith. “You’re quite right that 2017 election is why we’re in stasis right now, but that doesn’t solve our problem”.

He continued: “The public is fed up we’re not getting the job done. We need to get this done so we can focus on other things.”

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