If Brexit happens next March it won’t be the end – just the ‘end of the beginning’, explains Will Goble.
The best analogy I’ve yet heard about the lunacy of Brexit is from an anonymous poster in the comments section of an online newspaper. It goes something like this: A man is driving at speed towards a cliff edge. A concerned bystander shouts out, ‘you don’t have to do this’. The driver shouts back, ‘yes I do. I agreed to it’.
If, next March, the Brexiteers somehow succeed in driving us all over a cliff edge all will not be lost. For many it will merely be – to quote Churchill – ‘the end of the beginning’ in the battle against isolationism, ignorance and divisiveness aka Brexit. It will also, sadly, almost certainly be the start of immense hardship to many chastened Leavers and vindicated Remainers.
Will Goble, Rayleigh
One of the most ridiculous things about Brexit is being told (even by our own side and sometimes in the pages of TNE) that we should stop looking back in anger on the referendum campaign.
If a con man sold me a car with a faulty engine which blew up the next day, I would certainly focus on the fraud and the fraudster as well as the more immediate issue of how I was going to get to work.
John Christopher, London N1
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