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The UK won’t be fooled by Farage again

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage with MP Kate Hoey. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

So it seems Nigel Farage is about to hit the road to campaign again, in yet another of his ‘returns’.

The reason? The ‘lies, deceit and treachery’ of the political class, he says. A bit rich, coming from a professional politician who himself lied to, deceived and betrayed the British public, and on a grand scale!

How can the man now claim that ‘Leave voters knew what they were voting for’? Didn’t he make sure they couldn’t, by constantly misleading them?

And this time he will find he has miscalculated too: Vote Leave’s ‘dark ads’ on Turkey joining the EU, etc, have recently been exposed. Feeling cheated by both Leave campaign groups, more and more Leave voters are becoming disenchanted with the very notion of Brexit. Farage’s own lies and now planned reappearance can only exacerbate their anger and cause a serious backlash against him.

One powerful trait of the English people is their intense dislike of one thing: being swindled. Their natural pride may prevent them at first from admitting that they have been fooled, but when they do, they show no mercy for cheats.

Farage says that ‘the time has come to teach the political class a lesson’. My instinct tells me that he will be the prime target of that lesson.

Paul Smith

Nigel Farage’s latest ‘comeback’ suggests only one thing: He knows a People’s Vote is inevitable and he is starting his campaign early. Good for him. But we will win.

Jonathan Hendrick


• This was submitted as a letter to The New European. To have your letter featured in our newspaper email

MORE: ‘Do you have any answers?’ – Farage encounters tense exchange on breakfast telly

MORE: Another expert leaves Nigel Farage ‘running scared’ over Brexit

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