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Tories mocked for selling tea towels to celebrate Brexit – but they won’t be delivered in time

The Tory Party's Got Brexit Done tea towel. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Tory Party HQ has been accused of cashing in on Brexit to fill its party coffers by selling a range of merchandise celebrating the UK’s departure from the EU.

Each piece of merchandise carries the message “got Brexit done” – and can be purchased on a £12 tea towel, a £15 blue and white mug, a £6 fridge magnet, and a £5 lapel pin badge.

“People like you have allowed us to make good on our promises, and deliver on the 2016 referendum to leave the European Union,” reads the website. “So buy our official lapel pin now to celebrate this amazing accomplishment, and our bright future ahead!”

Further down the website the Tories point out that delivery will be delayed until after 31st January.

It reads: “Please note: delivery of our Got Brexit Done collection will begin week commencing 10th February.”


News of the new range of merchandise reached Twitter – where it was roundly mocked by those who saw the party’s offering.

“Peak Brexit proves even more cringeworthy than a Royal wedding,” said @MrHickmott.

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“Politics is now more like a space-filling game show than any serious attempt to improve the nation,” tweeted @RogierDeWeyden.


“Not delivering until 10th February,” pointed out Dan Smith. “You couldn’t make it up.”

Christopher Brown tweeted: “Lose freedom of movement, trade deals, MEPs, membership of the world’s largest trade bloc…, but you can have a tea towel. Britain is truly great again!”

Others provided the Tory party with alternative designs for the merchandise.

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