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Fewer than half of Leave voters think the Tories are pro-Brexit

'Get Brexit done' mugs are being sold at the Conservative Party Conference. Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Just 48% of Brexit voters believe that the Tories are pro-Brexit, despite the Tory Party’s conference key message being ‘get Brexit done’.

A new YouGov poll finds that while there is a noticeable shift with the public since April in terms of their perception of the party’s stance on Brexit, 52% of Brexit voters still do not deem the party to be pro-Brexit.

The party that is seen the most to be pro-Brexit in the eyes of Leavers is Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party – with 87% believing it is in favour of leaving the European Union.

But it also appears to suggest 13% of Brexiteers do not believe the party is supportive of an EU exit.

More encouraging for Boris Johnson is that 52% of the wider public believe the Tories are pro-Brexit, up from 37% in April.

By contrast Remainers believe the Lib Dems are the most anti-Brexit party on offer, with 80% believing it is against the UK leaving the EU, up from 56% in April.

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That is closely followed by the SNP with 75% agreeing it is trying to stop Brexit.

The Greens’ anti-Brexit position is recognised by 65% of Remainers with 46% recognising Plaid Cymru’s opposition.

However just 33% of Remain voters believe Labour is anti-Brexit with overall perceptions with the public shifting very little since April.

That is despite the party moving towards a People’s Vote with the option to Remain on the ballot paper.

By contrast 58% of Leave voters do view Jeremy Corbyn’s party as anti-Brexit.

The biggest shift for Jeremy Corbyn’s party is with those who see it as neutral on the Brexit matter, a position YouGov notes is probably “encouraging” for the leadership.

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