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The Lib Dems are now the most popular choice with Remainers

Leader of the Liberal Democrats Jo Swinson speaking to the media outside Houses of Parliament in London. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

A new poll has put the Lib Dems ahead with a slim majority of Remain voters.

A new YouGov poll suggests that 34% of Remain voters in the EU referendum will back Jo Swinson’s party with 33% supporting Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.

According to the polling some 16% now plan to vote in support of the pro-Brexit Conservative Party, ahead of the 9% who will back the Greens.

By contrast a majority of Leave voters will back the Conservatives.

YouGov found 58% of Brexiteers will back Boris Johnson’s party, with 24% in favour of the Brexit Party and 9% backing Labour.

Among 2017 voters, just 55% of those who voted Labour in the last election will back the party again, whereas 73% of Conservative voters in 2017 will continue to vote Tory.

However, with the potential for a Remain coalition, this all could change in the coming weeks of the election campaign.

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