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James Rodgers

Denmark’s sounds of war

In Fanø, a tiny island off Denmark’s west coast, signs of the second world war endure for residents today

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Next stop, Europe

Despite their morbid history, today Europe's railways bring our cultures closer together

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The harsh reality of Ukraine’s recruiting station

The country’s army is full of middle-aged volunteers hoping to save the next generation from fighting

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Jutland caught in the winds of change

Jutland, at the edge of the EU, has found itself in the centre of the bloc's response to Vladimir Putin's aggression

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The city that wears its scars on its sleeve

Berlin is lively and welcoming. But, reminders of past horrors are ever-present across the city

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The shadow of Stalingrad

The Kremlin is using history to justify its war in Ukraine. But Putin’s version could disappear with the flick of a switch

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How Russia’s day of remembrance became Putin’s day of propaganda

May 9 holds a special place in the lives of ordinary Russians. But their president has turned it into a show of force

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How Putin ends

The Kremlin strongman is now an isolated, out-of-touch world pariah and increasingly unpopular at home. Could he be toppled?

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The last days in the dying Soviet empire

JAMES RODGERS was working in Russia in the summer of 1991, when the cracks in the USSR’s system suddenly broke apart.

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How the Holy Land became the world’s obsession

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Putin’s problem with Britain

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The summer war that sent Russia back into the cold

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Brexit’s feeble mandate for Global Britain

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Putin: The ultimate global leader of our time

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Learning lessons of enemies who became friends

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How journalists must adapt to the Trump era

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