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Michael Gove concocted Boris Johnson’s bizarre Brexit analogy

The prime minister would do well to remember how Gove sold him down the river in 2016

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The Daily Mail’s no stranger to verbal abuse

The paper's grandee Paul Dacre is notorious for his so-called “vagina monologues” directed at individuals who displease him

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Rouble trouble doesn’t faze Ben Elliott

Former Today editor Sarah Sands still wants to go into business with the Tory party's co-chair

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Telegraph denies critical Brexit book a review

The Daily Telegraph ignores a book which challenges everything it has peddled about Brexit

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Telegraph puts Russian propaganda out of site

The Daily Telegraph has quietly removed all trace of its Russian propaganda supplement from its website

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Age has not made Rupert any less ruthless

After getting the green light to merge the Times and Sunday Times, Murdoch has virtually sacked all of their directors, including his daughter

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A win for Flyn, a win for Murdoch

Cal Flyn's win as The Sunday Times Young Writer of the year may have been helped by the fact that Flyn worked for the paper for five years and that her two books are published by HarperCollins - also owned by Rupert Murdoch

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Lord Rothermere’s reshuffle regrets

Losing the Mail Online's Martin Clarke is a matter of profound regret for his lordship

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Lord Rothermere and Rupert Murdoch clash over Boris Johnson

One thinks he's a player, while the other neglects to mention him in their Ukraine coverage

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Opera’s latest critic is no critic

Nicholas Kenton's appointment as the Daily Telegraph's opera critic surprised MANDRAKE. Mostly as Kenton used to serve on the board of the English National Opera

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Lord Pannick’s bloody good predictions

Gina Miller’s QC anticipated that fans of her and her court cases against the government would approve of the production of Bloody Difficult Women, and that those who didn't, would not

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Andrew Neil is still invested in GB News

Neil may have stepped down as its public face, but he still holds 62,458 shares in the company

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David Cameron still has a few fans out there

One heckled at a performance of Bloody Difficult Women during some less-than-flattering comments about the former prime minister. Such is an occupational hazard of putting on political theatre

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The Daily Mail bids farewell to Baz Bamigboye

The paper will sorely miss the man a lot of actors happily spoke to even though they said they'd never dream of talking to the Daily Mail, an informant told MANDRAKE

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Eton’s no mess for The Daily Mail

Not wanting to miss an opportunity to plug the school, the paper asked the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge if they were “eyeing up Eton” for George

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How Michael Gove masterminded the government’s Ukraine photo ops

Gove said the public wanted a show of solidarity such as flying the Ukrainian flag. Turns out the public wanted a lot more than that

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The unacknowledged courage of Melinda Simmons

While Liz Truss posed for photo ops, the UK's ambassador to Ukraine made the decision to stay at her post in Kyiv

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Penny Mordaunt is on “resignation watch”

Boris Johnson's posturing following Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine hasn't distracted the country, or his own party, from his lies

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What Dido Harding did last summer

After failing to become head of the NHS, she began drawing up plans for a three-tier stone amphitheatre-style seating area in the garden of her £2m Grade II listed North Somerset estate. But, she spent her own money this time, and not the taxpayer's

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The many talents of Gina Miller’s QC

In the upcoming play Bloody Difficult Women, who better to portray a convincing performance of Lord Pannick than the man himself

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Could Monica Harding defeat Dominic Raab?

Raab has not received a single donation since last summer, even from his old pal Dmitry Leus. So, if Harding ran again, there is little doubt she win the former foreign secretary's seat

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Matt Hancock’s big night out at the Brits

Since leaving office the former health secretary has been having the time of his life, including an “electrifying” night out at the Brit Awards

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It’s proving difficult to get the ear of George Soros

Organisations with fresh ideas about how Soros’ billions can be used to get the country back to its senses find themselves being cut short when speaking in his presence

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His trump card: Boris Johnson’s tactic for keeping his jobs over the years

An editor at the Daily Telegraph once tried to fire Boris Johnson, but he retorted that he was friends with the paper's owners and Carrie's all too familiar with this sense of entitlement

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Guto Harri told New European editor that Boris Johnson wished he sent the “anti-Brexit column to the Daily Telegraph”

Harri also said Johnson was “working out how to get himself out of the mess.” It remains to be seen if Harri can help him with this.

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The Sunday Times’ lack of succession plan when it comes to editorial direction

Since journalists were informed the paper would be backing Brexit in 2016, the paper's newsroom has been filled with frustration and despondency.

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Is Jacob Rees-Mogg truly a true blue blood?

Records show the leader of the house's grandeur isn't all it seems. MANDRAKE is eager to see his old friend on an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?

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Jack Doyle and his knack for personal mobile numbers

Boris Johnson's director of communications is quite the natural when it comes to obtaining personal mobile numbers. MANDRAKE wonders if this sometimes has sinister consequences.

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Paul Dacre and Ted Verity make one last stand for Boris Johnson

Their Daily Mail recently laid into those attacking Johnson for his law-breaking, lying and partying and told them it was time to "move on".

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Gina Miller delivers a surprise at her True & Fair Party launch

The party is neither a Remain or Rejoin party as expected, but a movement pushing for enforceable rules on how MPs conduct themselves and spend public money.

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Tim Davie and his mission to reveal the BBC’s top dogs’ outside earnings

The director-general has expressed his passion for total transparency, and feels what has been declared thus far only scratches the surface...

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Checking in to Farage towers

Nigel Farage is to become the new Basil Fawlty, except without the laughs.

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