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Nathan O'Hagan

The casual cruelty of Matthew Parris

To dismiss ADHD while offering no supporting evidence is small-minded and overlooks Britain’s leading role in understanding the condition

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The Champion cheats

Last month, the city of Marseille lit up to celebrate 30 years since its club’s European Cup win – a victory overshadowed by disgrace

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Diego Maradona’s move to Sevilla was the beginning of the end for the Hand Of God

Diego Maradona’s move to Sevilla in 1992 was supposed to be a rebirth. Instead, it resulted in more controversy and the start of a decline that ended with his death a year ago this month.

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George Best and the South African sojourn that set the tone for his decline

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Nicolas Cage as the man of steel… Superman’s closest shave?

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We need to talk about Fight Club..

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