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Rosalind Ormiston

Selling Vincent

How Van Gogh’s sister-in-law let go of his work and cemented his legend

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Stealing Michelangelo

When the artist died in Rome in 1564, he had one more remarkable journey still to make

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The art of recovery in Bruges

With an 800-year history, the city’s St John’s Hospital Museum understands the role of art in the healing process

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The lost father of surrealism

How Paul Nougé helped create a movement... then disowned it

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Hans Holbein, an outsider at the Tudor Court

Virtually unknown on arrival in England, the painter used his contacts – as well as his talent – to rise through Henry VIII’s court

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The secret history of a bloody nose: the horrific origins of Le Nez by Giacometti

There are many interpretations of its meaning. Are we witness to a dark memory, a sexual desire or a surrealist Pinocchio?

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The mysteries of a study in satire

Is The Ugly Duchess a work of misogyny, a portrait of deformity or the mocking of an aristocrat? Or all three?

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Jacobus Vrel: Searching for the father of Vermeer

The genius of a mysterious and overlooked painter is revealed at a new exhibition in The Hague

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