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Steve Anglesey

Is Brexit really worth nine out of 10?

Boris Johnson sounded more unhinged than unleashed while defending his pet project

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What about the giant hole in the roof, Keir?

A summit that avoids obvious solutions and kicks the can down the road instead? That sounds strangely familiar…

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Gove’s Brexit lies pay off

Instead of being shamed and forgotten, the former Tory minister is quids-in as new editor of the Spectator

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Reform’s conference was both dull and deranged

Covid conspiracies, rambling speeches and dog whistles expose Nigel Farage’s party as a deeply weird rabble

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A final Brexit disaster from Lettuce Liz Truss

A Border Force blunder by the former PM is claimed to have cost Britain another £250m

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Is Badenoch ditching Brexit?

The favourite to become the next Tory leader, once a vociferous Leaver, now seems loathe to mention it

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Is this why Starmer is blocking Rejoin?

Is the prime minister serious about his EU red lines - or just playing a long game?

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Sven: a football gent hammered by the press

The late Sven-Göran Eriksson faced scepticism and downright xenophobia from the British press but always remained a true gentleman of football

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Look! Over there! Nigel Farage wants to talk about this instead of the riots!

Reform’s leader is keen to discuss a referendum on the ECHR instead. Surely it can’t be a distraction tactic?

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The king is dead

The brilliant, troubling Alain Delon was at his most electric when doing nothing other than staring blankly back at us

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The Brexit problems lining up for Starmer

New polls suggest support for the PM’s softly-softly stance on Europe – but for how long?

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How Robert Jenrick stopped the riots

An extraordinary claim about the Brexiteer who wants to lead the Tories

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Labour blow a big chance on youth mobility

The government says it’s levelling with us on the economy - so why not on the truth about a scheme demonised by Brexiteers?

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A new low for Farage

His ill-informed, self-aggrandising, flame-fanning Southport video is beneath contempt

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Nigel Farage MP is even worse than you thought

Clacton’s elected representative will spend the next five years dogwhistling about people who don't live there

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The war against tethered bottle caps

They help the environment, but Brexiteers hate them because the idea came from the EU

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Never mind the football.. let’s celebrate the end of Brexit omerta

Labour’s first steps at moving closer to the EU are welcome, and vital to counter Nigel Farage

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Were you up for Rees-Mogg?

A raft of big-name Brexiteers lost their seats as Labour won a landslide victory

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The nightmare is over

Fourteen years of Conservative disasters come to an end as Keir Starmer prepares to enter No.10

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The big 2024 election quiz

How much do you remember about the campaign? Take our test and find out…

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Why Nigel Farage will become a recruiting sergeant for a new EU referendum

Reform’s plan is to bang on about PR throughout the next parliament. But Britain had a referendum just 13 years ago

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Au revoir, Françoise Hardy

The iconic French singer has died after a long battle against cancer

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Nigel Farage doesn’t want to talk about the disaster of Brexit

Reform’s leader wants to campaign on immigration instead of his pet project’s failure

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Have the Mail papers given up on the election and Brexit?

Instead of the Tory demise, they’re talking Geri Halliwell and Lord Lucan

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Will Britain punish Brexiteer MPs at the election?

Leaving the EU won’t be a campaign issue for the big parties - but voters may think differently

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Brexit’s part in the Co-Op Live fiasco

The new arena is a Great British Failure - just like leaving the EU

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Brexiteers are blaming the EU for wrecking their holidays

The comical hypocrisy of right wing panic over new border schemes

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Could there be a new referendum in 2024?

Sir John Curtice has laid out a convincing case for why Keir Starmer may be drawn into backing one soon

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More than a little local difficulty

A disastrous set of elections leave the Tories facing an existential crisis

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Power, corruption, lies and Brexit

New Order’s Bernard Sumner has nailed the problem with British politics

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The Brexiteers’ retreat to abstract waffle shows they have failed

Leavers used to promise real achievements if we quit the EU - now they deal only in abstract concepts

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Hope, cowardice and the EU’s youth mobility plan

A new offer is profoundly sensible - no wonder Labour and the Tories have rejected it

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