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How Penny Mordaunt got her nickname

Around the corridors of power, Mordaunt is known as "the admiral"

Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire/PA Images

Mandrake hears that Penny Mordaunt’s nickname around the corridors of power is “the Admiral” on account of her habit of dressing up in naval uniform.

Mordaunt, who bowed out of the race to become prime minister on Monday, is compared in some circles to the bicorn hat-wearing animated character voiced by Sally Phillips in adverts for the Admiral insurance company.

Mordaunt, daughter of a paratrooper, signed up as a Royal Naval Reservist in 2010, was made an honorary commander in 2019 and later became an honorary captain. Yet she has never served on an operational deployment, qualified or been commissioned as an officer, despite Tory MP George Freeman’s claim some years ago that she had “fought in the Navy”.

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See inside the “I will make Brexit work” edition

Image: The New European

The Truss tat left to flog

Liz Truss leaves behind a legacy of thousands of unsold mugs all emblazoned with the words: “In Liz we Truss”

Boris and Carrie Johnson in Downing Street

Johnson’s u-turn sends his supporters spinning

The former prime minister marched his backers to the top of the hill - and left them to make their own way back down