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The Truss tat left to flog

Liz Truss leaves behind a legacy of thousands of unsold mugs all emblazoned with the words: “In Liz we Truss”

Image: The New European

There’s no shortage of mugs at Conservative Party headquarters, but the ceramic type are all emblazoned with the words: “In Liz we Truss”.

Once Truss was elected party leader in September, the Tories optimistically ordered several thousand mugs with the slogan and put them on sale at their online shop, hoping to boost party coffers. They were then withdrawn the moment Liz Truss was toppled. They have been replaced on the website with ancient Margaret Thatcher merchandise – mugs with “You turn if you want to” and “no, no, no” written on them.

How quickly the party can get “Dishy Rishi” tableware made – and how long it then remains on sale – is anyone’s guess.

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See inside the “I will make Brexit work” edition

Protesters demonstrate against France and the 
Economic Community 
of West African States in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on October 4, 2022. Photo: Issouf Sanogo/AFP/

The ghosts that haunt France in Africa

Macron wants a reset, but unravelling the country’s tangled legacy in the continent is proving harder than it sounds

Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire/PA Images

How Penny Mordaunt got her nickname

Around the corridors of power, Mordaunt is known as "the admiral"